SSAR Symposium proposals for the 2016 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH) in New Orleans, Louisiana, are due to the SSAR Coordinator by 1 March 2015. See proposal requirements here.
New SSAR Officers Elected for 2015
The following new officers were elected for 2015:
President Elect – Rick Shine
New Board Members:
Kim Lovich (2018, Conservation)
Robin Andrews (2018, Regular)
Emily Taylor (2018, Regular)
Tony Gamble (2018, Member-at-Large)
New Committee Chairs:
Jeremy Feinberg has replaced Dawn Wilson as Student Participation Committee Chair
Jeff Ettling has replaced Marina Gerson and Ann Paterson as Membership Committee Chair
Congratulations to our new President-Elect, Board Members and Committee Chairs!
Due 9 January: Grant for grad students working in SW US and Mexico
The Jones-Lovich Grant for Southwestern Herpetology is available for 2015 and awards $1000 to one student working in the southwestern US or NW Mexico. Applications are due 9 January 2015 (Friday) at 5 pm. For more information and to download the application see the Herpetologists’ League Student Awards page.