July 2023 status report from the Standard Names Committee:
SSAR’s Standard Names for North American Amphibians and Reptiles Committee membership was re-established last year, and we spent time first developing guidelines for our work. These guidelines are now available will be included in each subsequent edition of the list. We are currently working on the 9th edition of the list and hope to have it published on our website by the end of 2023. The online database has been removed as it had become unstable and required significant upgrades. Future editions of the list will be freely available on SSAR’s website as a pdf.
Forming Standard English Names: Some Guidelines for Reptile and Amphibians (PDF download)
Guidelines for Selecting Scientific Names (PDF download)
The Standard English Names Committee has produced Herpetological Circulars available as a PDF or by order (older versions).
Current systematic research for US and Canada is reflected in the standard names on this list. A PDF of the current 8th Ed (2017) is available.
Past issues:
Previous editions are available through SSAR Herp Circulars.