Faculty who are recruiting students for the 2025-2026 academic year (or postdocs to begin any time) can fill out this form:
The form populates a view-only spreadsheet that prospective applicants can use to find labs that match their interests.
Prospective applicants to master’s, PhD, and postdoctoral positions can check out this spreadsheet of faculty who are currently recruiting:
The spreadsheet has five separate tabs to help you navigate:
- All advertised positions
- Master’s positions
- PhD positions
- Postdoctoral positions where the PI already has funding
- PIs who don’t currently have funding for postdocs but who are happy to help with postdoctoral fellowship applications
Check back periodically for new entries, which are added to the bottom of the spreadsheet.
Resources from SSAR’s DEI Committee on navigating the application process:
SSAR’s DEI Committee organized a three-part series of virtual events in 2024, addressing different parts of the application process. Recordings (with optional captions) and handouts are available to serve as lasting resources.
Identifying graduate programs and preparing to apply
- https://vimeo.com/949701150
- Handout: Choosing the right graduate program for you, and finding potential grad advisors
- Handout: Crafting introductory messages for potential grad advisors
- Handout: Application materials, fellowships, and mentorship programs to help you prepare
- Handout: Advice for crafting a strong CV
Preparing graduate applications
- Coming in August or September 2024
- Stay tuned – we will advertise in the SSAR monthly email newsletter and on social media when the event is scheduled
Navigating the graduate school interview
- https://vimeo.com/905682629
- Transcript of the panel’s conversation
- Handout: Advice for navigating the grad school interview
Additional resources for prospective students navigating the application process:
Most PhD programs will cover your tuition and pay you a stipend; master’s programs may or may not be funded. Some helpful person on the internet put together a handy spreadsheet of some funded master’s programs in organismal biology. Funding situations can vary wildly by department, so you should reach out to people whose labs interest you to ask for details.
Estien and colleagues published an open access paper with the aim of demystifying many aspects of the graduate school application process. You can access it here: https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bes2.2029
EEB Mentor Match connects students with mentors who can help with grad school applications and/or with major fellowships like the NSF GRFP. People can sign up to be a mentee or a mentor via a short form on the Mentor Match website: https://eebmentormatch.com/.