- Applicants must be officially employed as a postdoctoral fellow/researcher at the times of both the application and the meeting.
- Application deadline is: March 28, 2025.
- Applicants must be members of SSAR (https://ssarherps.org/about-ssar/membership/) and be presenting a paper or poster at the 2025 JMIH.
- Applications must be sent electronically to Dr. Bell, committee chair, at rbell@calacademy.org and be submitted as a single PDF with the file name “LastNameFirstName_Metallinou2025” These must include the applicant’s CV, a one-paragraph summary of the research to be presented (ideally, the abstract for the meeting presentation), and a short description of the applicant’s career goals and how attending the meeting will help achieve them.
- One or more awards up to US$1000 will be made. State the amount requested in the application. Award funds will be made available at the meeting.
Dr. Margarita Metallinou, a talented Greek evolutionary biologist, received her doctorate in Spain and was on a postdoc in the USA when, in July 2015, she died in a wildlife accident while conducting fieldwork in Zambia, southern Africa. She had been scheduled to present her work at the Society’s meeting later that summer at the University of Kansas. SSAR, together with the Metallinou family, decided that the most fitting and lasting memorial would be to support other postdocs to attend meetings of the Society. We thank members of the Metallinou family and Margarita’s many friends for their most generous support, as well as dozens of other persons who have contributed to the endowment. We especially thank the Trustees of the Carl Gans Fund for their major support.
We wish to grow the Metallinou Postdoctoral Endowment to help a larger number of postdocs in future years. Please inquire with the SSAR Treasurer, Bob Ashley (treasurer@ssarherps.org), to make a donation. These are tax-deductible in the USA.