SSAR will have its 2015 meeting on the beautiful campus of the University of Kansas, one of America’s major research universities and a world center for research and graduate education in herpetology. This will be held from Thursday, July 30 through Monday, August 3. All scientific sessions will be held in the Kansas Union, which is adjacent to the Museum of Natural History and only a 5-minute walk from the air-conditioned student dorms where most persons will stay. The society held highly successful meetings at KU in 1977 and 1996, and we anticipate another memorable event in 2015. The intimate campus setting will facilitate personal and friendly interactions while moderating fees for registration and lodging.
Updates about the meeting are being released as they become available. You can see the latest at the following links and pages: 2015 Meeting website and registration
2015 Meeting Flyer- Third Update (PDF)
2015 Meeting: Second Update (PDF)
2015 Meeting: First Update (PDF)

Photo by Vicente Mata-Silva
See you in Kansas!