HR December 2016, Volume 47, Number 4. Our cover features a field photo of an adult Vipera walser, a recently described species from the western Italian Alps, photographed by Matteo Di Nicola. This issue is scheduled to be mailed 19 December, although full contents are now available online to SSAR members at All Natural History Notes, Geographic Distribution Notes, and Book Reviews are Open Access and are now available for download. If you are not a member of SSAR, please consider joining the leading international herpetological society. Student and online-only rates available. Follow the “Join SSAR” link. Congrats to Matteo for another great cover photo!
How to access Herpetological Review
Herpetological Review issues from 1967–2011 and all Natural History Notes, Geographic Distribution Notes, Book Reviews, and other select sections from 1967 – 2016 are now Open Access and available as PDF downloads on our website. Additionally, complete issues from the last five years are available to SSAR members who login. You can find all of these here:
SSAR Grants in Herpetology and Herpetologists’ League Grant Applications
The Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles’ Roger Conant Grants in Herpetology are due Dec 15, 2016. This includes grants for graduate and undergraduate research. The Herpetologists’ League’s E.E. Williams Grant in Herpetology is due Dec 15, 2016 and its Jones-Lovich Grant in Southwestern Herpetology is due 6 January 2017. For more information about the HL grants and the application process see here : http://
How to access Journal of Herpetology
SSAR members can now access articles from the Journal of Herpetology through our new membership management at Wild Apricot. Once logged into the Wild Apricot page, you can click through “Publications” to “Journal of Herpetology”, and you’ll be rerouted to the BioOne page for the journal. Herpetological Review is available here.
To learn how to access your account on Wild Apricot, please follow the directions in our previous post here: .
SSAR President-Elect Rick Shine Wins Prime Minister’s Prize for Science
Please join us in congratulating SSAR President-Elect Rick Shine for winning the 2016 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science! You can read much more about Dr. Shine’s research and this prestigious award here:
How to access SSAR membership accounts
As we mentioned briefly before, our membership accounts have migrated from ZenScientist to a new host. Here’s what you need to do to access your account:
- The new site is accessible here:
- If you have Google or Facebook accounts under the same email as your membership, you can try to login via those authentication buttons.
- Otherwise, enter the email address associated with your account and click “Forgot password” to request a new password.
SSAR publications are available here!
New membership portal for SSAR
ZenScientist is closed and no longer maintaining SSAR memberships. From now on, in order to become a member or renew your membership, please follow the instructions here:
2017 SEPARC Meeting Announced
The 2017 Southeastern Partners for Amphibian and Reptile Conservation meeting will be held from February 16-19, 2017 at the Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in Little Rock, AR. For more details, see the PDF here: SEPARC 2017
2017 Biology, Management, and Conservation of North American Salamanders Training Course
Amphibian Ark and Zoo Atlanta are pleased to announce the 2017 Biology, Management and Conservation of North American Salamanders training course.
The course will consist of five days of intensive training, including lectures, hands-on practical exercises, and fieldwork, with the goal of providing the students with technical skills necessary for long-term management of ex situ assurance populations of salamanders, from species selection to reintroductions with focus on husbandry, health, biosecurity and population management. Topics covered during the course will include: salamander biology, conservation and management; enclosure design and construction; captive breeding techniques; biosecurity and disease control; monitoring and surveys of wild and captive populations; education and scientific engagement. A field trip is arranged at Wharton Center, GA.
For full information, see the attached PDF: 2017 Salamander Course
Wanted: New SSAR Bloggers!
Are you a herpetologist? Do you like to write? Blog with SSAR!
We are always seeking people to write new blog posts for our website. Topics should include SSAR-relevant news items such as job openings, new and interesting herpetological publications, SSAR-specific society updates, herpetology-focused meetings (or on talks presented at general meetings that focused on herpetology), and other fun herp facts or videos. Writing blog posts will give people an opportunity to be involved with SSAR and is a perfect opportunity for undergraduates and graduate students, but the opportunity is open to anyone who is interested in contributing. If you would like to contribute blog posts to the SSAR website, please send us an e-mail, and we can provide you with additional information.
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