Herpetological Review Volume 55, Number 1, is now available! The cover features an image of Ensatina eschscholtzii, a common plethodontid that is widespread throughout the coastal southern half of California in the United States of America. This individual was photographed by Ryan Singer. This species possess highly active granular glands in their tails that can produce a milky white noxious secretion. Along with these secretions, the Ensatina complex benefits from mimicry of the aposematic coloration of toxic Pacific Newts in the genus Taricha.
Select sections are available open access. To view online, visit: https://ssarherps.org/herpetological-review-pdfs/. If you are not a member of SSAR, please consider joining the leading international herpetological society.
If you receive Herpetological Review in print, issue 55(1) has mailed. Issue 55(2) is close to being finalized and 55(3) is being assembled. We apologize for these delays in publication and are diligently working to get caught up on the normal publication schedule.