We are very pleased to announce formation of two membership agreements between the SSAR and the Sociedad Herpetológica Mexicana (SHM) and between SSAR and the Asociacíon para la Investigacíon y Conservación de los Anfibios y Reptiles A.C. (AICAR).
The presidents of SSAR, SHM, and AICAR worked to establish inter-society membership agreements with approvals from their respective boards of directors. In doing so, we aim to foster broader participation in our societies. The negotiated membership fees are reciprocal and mutually beneficial. These agreements make all the services of SSAR, SHM, and AICAR available to more herpetologists.
Any member of SHM or AICAR who is based in Mexico may join SSAR as a professional or student member for $50 or $29 per year. Members of SSAR may join SHM for the discounted fee of $40 ($29 for students) per year. Likewise, SSAR members may join AICAR at the discounted rate of $25 ($20 student) for a two-year membership.
We urge you to take advantage of these opportunities to expand your engagement in Herpetology and support societies that promote the study and conservation of amphibians and reptiles.