Herpetological Review Volume 53, Number 4 (December 2022), is now available! The cover features a stunning image of an adult Mixtecan Arboreal Alligator Lizard (Abronia mixteca) that was photographed by C. Mayoral Halla in Oaxaca, Mexico. Abronia mixteca is an almost exclusively arboreal lizard and spends large amounts of time foraging and sheltering among epiphytic plants in the canopy. As a habitat specialist, A. mixteca is threatened with the loss of oak forest habitat; however, other factors, such as illegal collection and exportation for commercial trade, also threaten this unique species.
The issue has been posted online, is being printed, and will mail soon. Full contents are now available online to SSAR members at https://ssarherps.org/herpetological-review-pdfs/. Natural History Notes, Geographic Distribution Notes, and Book Reviews are Open Access and are available for download at the same link. If you are not a member of SSAR, please consider joining the leading international herpetological society. Student and online-only rates are available. Follow the “Join SSAR” link on the home page. Congratulations to C. Mayoral Halla for a great cover image!