Biogeography and Diversification of Amphibians and Reptiles of the Pacific Northwest and California Floristic Province
A Symposium to be held at JMIH 2022 in Spokane, WA, USA
Saturday, July 30, 2022
We are excited to present the list of talks along with information on speakers. For a full program including abstracts, please see the JMIH 2022 website:
This symposium is sponsored by the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR).
Symposium co-organizers: R. Bruce Bury and Chris R. Feldman
Introduction: Biogeography and Diversification of the Pacific Northwest Herpetofauna
Bruce Bury, Herpetological Conservation and Biology;
200 Million Years of Violence: How Geologic Upheaval and Glaciation Shaped the Pacific Northwest
Nicholas Geist, Sonoma State University;
Phylogeography of Endemic Stream Amphibians in the Pacific Northwest Reveal Distinct Species or Clades in Need of Conservation Attention
Karen Kiemnec-Tyburczy, Cal Poly Humboldt;
Variation in the mouth parts of the Coastal Tailed Frog (Ascaphus truei)
Mark Leppin, Oregon State University;
Amphibian Occupancy Modeling of an Inland Northwest Farmed Ecosystem: A Surprising Predictor of Occupancy
Erim Gomez, University of Montana
Fraying edges and holes in the fabric: How range disintegration influences genetic structuring in the California red-legged frog Rana draytonii
Jonathan Richmond, U.S. Geological Survey;
Plethodontid Salamander Species Formation and Lineage Boundaries within California’s North Coast Ranges and the Klamath Mountains
Sean Reilly, University of California;
Aridification and the Diversification of Slender Salamanders (genus Batrachoseps) in Western North America
Elizabeth Jockusch, University of Connecticut;
Against “Speciation”: David Wake on Species and the Biogeography of the Salamander Ring Species Ensatina eschscholtzii
Shawn Kuchta, Ohio University;
Morphological Species Delimitation of the Cryptic Northern and Southern Pacific Pond Turtles (Actinemys marmorata, Actinemys pallida)
Robert Burroughs, Seattle Children’s Research Institute;
Exploring phenotype divergence among incipient species: A case study from the Southern Alligator Lizard species complex (Elgaria multicarinata spp)
Rory Telemeco, California State University Fresno;
Biogeography and Diversification of Western Fence Lizards at their Northern Extreme in the Pacific Northwest.
Hayden Davis, University of Washington;
Genomic data reveal local endemism in Southern California Rubber Boas and the critical need for enhanced conservation actions
Jesse Grismer, La Sierra University;
Colonization history and lineage diversification for three lizard taxa inhabiting the California Channel Islands
Lauren Chan, Pacific University;
Genetics versus genomics and what each tells us about western US reptile and amphibian phylogeography
Brad Shaffer, UCLA; Erin Toffelmier, UCLA;
The Melting Pot, interpreting the origin of the admixed herpetofauna of coastal southern California
Robert Fisher, USGS;
Landscape patterns of adaptive and neutral variation match between predator (Thamnophis couchii) and prey (Taricha sierrae) in the Sierra Nevada
Chris Feldman, University of Nevada, Reno;
Historical isolation and connectivity influence coevolutionary patterns of toxin resistance in the aquatic garter snake (Thamnophis atratus)
Chris Feldman, University of Nevada, Reno;
Genomic Approaches to Detecting Signals of Local Adaptation with Application using Western Herpetofauna
Tereza Jezkova, Miami University;
Applying genetics to inform the three R’s (resiliency, redundancy, and representation) for conservation of California’s rich diversity of herpetofauna
Amy Vandergast, USGS Western Ecological Research Center;
Conservation of Endemic Old-Growth Forest-Associated Amphibians in the US Northwest
Deanna Olson, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Projected threats of climate change to stream amphibians of the Pacific Northwest
Gwen Bury, US Forest Service
Predicting Future Hotspots of Squamate Diversity in the Pacific Northwest as the Climate Changes
David S Pilliod, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center;