Do you want to help parents make the most out of the 2022 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH) in Spokane? SSAR, ASIH, AES, and HL have joined forces for a fundraiser for childcare.
We are accepting donations via the ASIH website – scroll to the link at the bottom that says Childcare Fund: link to donation page. Please note that you will have to make a (free) ASIH account, if you do not already have one.
Our goal for this fundraiser is to offset the costs so that we can offer subsidized childcare to our members (free to student parents!) These funds will make JMIH more accessible to members with families. Here is a video with a message from our presidents: link to YouTube video.
We also plan to support childcare into the future by establishing an endowment, so please stay tuned for long-term fundraising efforts!