Herpetological Review Volume 52, Number 3 (September 2021). Our cover features the Southern Flat-tailed Gecko (Uroplatus sameiti), photographed by Jannico Kelk near Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. The charismatic gecko genus Uroplatus is endemic to Madagascar and surrounding islands, and all species contain extreme camouflage adaptations and have flattened tails. The journal has been printed and mailed. Full contents are now available online to SSAR members at https://ssarherps.org/herpetological-review-pdfs/. Natural History Notes, Geographic Distribution Notes, and Book Reviews are Open Access and are available for download at the same link. If you are not a member of SSAR, please consider joining the leading international herpetological society. Student and online-only rates available. Follow the “Join SSAR” link on the home page. Congratulations to Jannico for a great cover image!