Herpetological Review Volume 52, Number 4 (December 2021) is now available! Our cover features several scanned images of an Armadillo Lizard (Ouroborous cataphractus), produced by Ed Stanley from diffusible iodine contrast enhanced computed tomography (DICECT) scans of a preserved specimen housed at the Florida Museum of Natural History. These scans help visualize skeletal (top), cardiovascular (second from top), nervous (third from top), and digestive systems (bottom) of this specimen and are part of the Open Vertebrate (oVert) Thematic Collections Network project, an enterprise that aims to produce and share high-resolution 3D datasets for 20,000 vertebrate specimens from museums across the United States.
The issue has been posted online and is currently being printed and will mail soon. Full contents are now available online to SSAR members at https://ssarherps.org/herpetological-review-pdfs/. Natural History Notes, Geographic Distribution Notes, and Book Reviews are Open Access and are available for download at the same link. If you are not a member of SSAR, please consider joining the leading international herpetological society. Student and online-only rates available. Follow the “Join SSAR” link on the home page. Congratulations to Ed for a unique cover image!