In this installment of the SSAR leadership profiles, we provide a summary of the Board of Directors and its members. We have written (or are currently working on) separate profiles for each Board of Directors position; please click the links associated with each position to learn more.
The Board of Directors consists of 15 members (click links to read profiles on each position):
- President
- President-elect
- Immediate Past President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Publications Secretary
- Trustee
- eight Directors
According to the SSAR Bylaws, the Board of Directors holds the following responsibilities:
- The Board shall be empowered to manage the affairs of the Society and to designate all appointive officers for terms of two years.
- The Board shall fill any vacancy occurring among the officers, except that of President, by an appointment for the unexpired term.
- The Board shall be specifically responsible for the publications of the Society and shall set such policy as is needed to coordinate the contents of the various media so as to further the stated objectives of the Society and to insure the availability and distribution of the several items.
All members of the Board of Directors are elected officers. During election years, the Nominations Committee prepares a ballot, which then goes out to the general membership for a vote. Newly elected persons take office on January 1 following the election.