The 2020 winner of the Victor Hutchison Graduate Poster Award is:
Danielle Bradke (University of Georgia), “Sensitivity of capture-recapture using seining to detect changes in Diamondback Terrapin survival in response to management”
The SSAR graduate student poster awards honor Victor Hutchison for his extensive contributions to herpetology and the development of future herpetologists. Because the coronavirus pandemic forced cancellation of the 2020 JMIH, we held the 10th annual SSAR Victor Hutchison Student Poster competition in a novel virtual format (Zoom) on 24 July 2020. This year we gave one overall award rather than multiple awards in different categories, owing to the relatively small number of participants. The winner is receiving a check for US $250 and an SSAR book.
The 2020 winner of the George B. Rabb Undergraduate Poster Award is:
Calvin Vick (University of Central Arkansas), “Female lizards alter behavior but not climbing speed while gravid”
SSAR’s George B. Rabb Undergraduate Poster Award is sponsored by Zoo Atlanta and honors our colleague George Rabb (1930-2017), former Director of the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, IL, and highly respected advocate and spokesman for wildlife conservation. 2020 marked the 2nd year of this competition, which was held in a novel virtual format owing to the coronavirus pandemic and cancellation of JMIH. The poster presentations were given via Zoom on 24 July 2020. The winner is receiving a check for US $250 and an SSAR book.
This year’s judges were:
Betsie Rothermel, Chair (Archbold Biological Station), Nicholas Caruso (Virginia Tech), Allyson Fenwick (University of Central Oklahoma), Jennifer Lamb (St. Cloud State University), Chris Thawley (Neumann University)
2020 SSAR Virtual Poster Competitions Committee: Neil Balchan, John Bellah, Jack Friend, Michelle Koo, Joe Mendelson, Calvin Vick, Greg Watkins-Colwell. With special thanks to Marty Crump (President), Jessica Tingle (Chair, Student Participation Committee), and Betsie Rothermel (Chair, Poster Awards Committee), for supporting the program.