Message from the organizers of an American Fisheries Society symposium:
The Program Committee for the 2018 AFS Meeting has extended the deadline for abstract submission. The new deadline is March 31, 2017.
The Imperiled Species and Fish Culture Sections of the American Fisheries Society would like to extend this invitation to present at a Symposium entitled, “Captive Propagation of Imperiled Aquatic Organisms” to be held at the AFS Meeting in Tampa, FL on Aug 20-24. We are soliciting for presenters who are willing to share their successes and failures culturing any imperiled aquatic species. Below is the abstract for the symposium, which has been accepted by program organizers.
Abstract: A growing number of aquatic organisms including fishes, mussels, and crayfish, among other aquatic organisms are imperiled. To aid conservation and recovery efforts, there is an increasing use of methods to propagate these organisms in captivity to support population augmentation and reintroduction efforts and for use in experiments. Methods for spawning and rearing many species either are scattered in the literature, are in unpublished documents, or in some cases are little more than anecdotes. The purpose of this symposium is to bring together scientists, managers, and others who work with captive propagation to exchange knowledge and attempt to synthesize what is known about captive propagation of different taxa, which new methods seem most fruitful, and which areas are most in need of further research. We will solicit case histories, results of experimental studies, and reviews and syntheses of captive propagation efforts. The ultimate goal of the symposium will be to produce a published volume that will serve as a general resource for scientists and managers and which can serve as at textbook for specialized graduate courses.
Presentation Format: 20-minute time slots (15 minutes presentation, 3 minutes questions + 2 minutes for room change)
The turn-around time for this is short as usual. Abstracts are due to AFS (
We hope that you will come and share your tricks for conservation culture.