Plethodon shermani
As part of the 90th anniversary year of the Highlands Biological Station there will be a Special Highlands Conference on Plethodontid Salamander Biology this August 4th-7th held at The Mountain Retreat & Learning Center and The Highlands Biological Station.
The Special Highlands Conference on Plethodontid Salamander Biology will feature a mix of invited review papers, contributed papers, and posters. Anyone is welcome to submit a contributed paper, so long as they follow the instructions below. To submit a Contributed Paper (15 minutes, including Q&A) or Poster please email the following information to Sarah Woodley (woodleys@duq.edu) with Highlands Plethodontid Conference in the subject line:
1. Name, institution, email address, and phone of corresponding author
2. Indicate if your contribution is a paper or a poster
3. Title
4. Author list (full names; e.g., James T. Costa, Sarah K. Woodley)
5. Institutional affiliation (use numbered superscripts to match authors to different institutions)
6. Abstract (300 word maximum)
The deadline for paper submissions AND for registration is May 15th, 2016. After this date, registration prices will increase by $10.00 per person.
Limited speaking slots may necessitate declining some paper proposals, but we will attempt to accommodate as many paper proposals as possible according to timeliness of submission and topic area. In this event authors are encouraged to consider submitting a poster instead.
There are a variety of housing packages available as well as a reduced price for students. For more information about the conference and to register, please visit the conference’s website.