Herpetological Review 46(2)
Adams, Ronald and Brian I. Crother. 2015. Pantherophis spiloides (gray ratsnake), Agkistrodon piscivorus (cottonmouth), Coluber constrictor (North American racer), Thamnophis proximus (western ribbonsnake) aggregation behavior. Herpetological Review. 46 (2): 276. [ronald.adams@selu.edu]
Adcock, Zachary C., Andrew R. Maclaren, Shawn F. McCracken and Michael R. J. Forstner. 2015. Geographic Distribution: Sceloporus consobrinus (prairie lizard). Herpetological Review. 46 (2): 218.
Allaback, Mark L., David M. Laabs, Jeff Alvarez and Julie Andersen. 2015. Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia (San Francisco gartersnake) upland habitat use. Herpetological Review. 46 (2): 278. [markallaback@sbcglobal.net]
Angeli, Nicole Frances, Kristina Chyn and Kaycee Faunce. 2015. Ameiva exsul (Puerto Rican ground lizard) reproduction. Herpetological Review. 46 (2): 249-250. [nangeli@tamu.edu]
Annable, Terence J. and Dean C. Metcalfe. 2015. Eulamprus quoyii (eastern water skink) cannibalism. Herpetological Review. 46 (2): 256-257. [dean_metcalfe@yahoo.com.au]
Antelo, Rafael and Andy Moorwood. 2015. Crocodylus intermedius (Orinoco crocodile) parental behavior. Herpetological Review. 46 (2): 206-207. [rantelo78@gmail.com]
Ariano-Sánchez, Daniel. 2015. Geographic Distribution: Tantilla vermiformis (Hallowell’s centipede snake). Herpetological Review. 46 (2): 221-222.
Astroza, Margarita Ruiz de Gamboa and Marcos Ferrù Gonzaliz. 2015. Geographic Distribution: Liolaemus nigromaculatus (many-spotted tree iguana). Herpetological Review. 46 (2): 217.
Augustine, Lauren, Kyle MIller and Gordon M. Burghardt. 2015. Crocodylus rhombifer (Cuban crocodile) play behavior. Herpetological Review. 46 (2): 208-209. [augustinel@si.edu]
Augustine, Lauren, Robin L. Saunders, Karissa Pryes, Matthew J. Evans and Kim Lovich. 2015. Crocodylus rhombifer (Cuban crocodile) aggressive behavior. Herpetological Review. 46 (2): 207-208. [augustinel@si.edu]