The Department of Biology at John Carroll University is seeking applicants for our Master of Science program (TWO for Spring 2015 and several for Fall 2015). We are a research-active department that advises students in a diversity of areas (e.g., systematics, ethology, physiology, anatomy, chemical ecology and cell & molecular biology) but that emphasizes the role of evolution as an organizing principle of biology. We have an excellent record of generating publications with our Master’s students, and of placing students into excellent PhD programs after completion of their MS degrees. We will consider applications for these positions until they fill.
These funded positions will require 20 hours/week of work as a graduate teaching assistant within labs that are being taught, in exchange for a tuition waiver and modest nine-month stipend.
Information about our department:
Information about our faculty and the research that they conduct:
Review this list of faculty to identify a laboratory to which you’d like to apply.
Information about our graduate programs:
Application deadline for Spring 2015 positions:
Applications will be reviewed until these positions are filled.
Application process:
Questions about the application process, contact:
Dr. Christopher Sheil
Professor, Graduate Coordinator
Department of Biology
John Carroll University
20700 North Park Boulevard
University Heights, OH 44118
Phone: 216.397.3088